Hi, I'm Simone

AKA roughnecks
welcome to the 🐦woodpeckers' nest - WPN


About Me

Hello, I'm an Italian guy, not so young but not even a boomer. My nickname was borrowed from "Starship Troopers" - A military science fiction novel by U.S. writer Robert A. Heinlein. "roughnecks" is the name of the first Mobile Infantry Squad led by Rico. I'm still not sure why I chose a plural name for my persona; it's a bit odd, I reckon, but I got attached to it and it stuck.
I'm currently unemployed, mainly because of health and family issues, but I studied and worked for a bit in IT Department; that's still one of my greatest passions, along with PC Gaming. I consider myself an eternal noob - in both categories - since there's always something new to learn and things often get more complicated over the years.

Co-Founder of the XMPP Italian Community | Co-Founder of an Italian DeltaChat Service



doggo 1:0 garden


neighbours cat: Titty


neighbours cat: Silvestro


Animated PipBoy watchface on a Mi Band 5




neighbours cat: Prime :)


CUSPIDE (The Intruder)


carp had a "rough" time but it's still alive


Mi Bunny


my (not so current) desk

Civitanova Marche: the place where I live

alternative text

WPN: woodpeckersnest services

I'm a woodpecker red banner

This is a non-profit project of mine; if you want to join any of these services or have any question, scroll down below to the "Contact" section and send me a message, I'll be glad to help you out!
If you're a friend and want to request a fully featured shell account, follow the white rabbit.. I mean, the red woodpecker 🐦 :)

I'm running on my server. If not noted otherwise, all services are expected to be working over both IPv4 and IPv6.

neofetch for pandora

Services Health Status

wpn Monitoring

E-Mail Server

account [at] woodpeckersnest [dot] eu

It is also possible to use the ".space" TLD, i.e. "woodpeckersnest.space" domain, but providers like google are blocking that TLD globally for alleged spam (nothing I can do about that).

In order to use your own email client, note the following settings if autoconfiguration* doesn't work:

* Autoconfiguration works in current Thunderbird and K-9 (Android) clients. Other clients not tested.

Works fine with DeltaChat. Each account has a disk quota of 1GB plus a 10% grace quota; when you reach 80% of your quota, a warning message is sent to your email.

A WebMail Client is hosted locally on the server (it supports importing iCal calendars and importing/syncing CardDAV address books):

XMPP Server

I'm hosting an XMPP server, which is basically a decentralized and secure chat service. I'm doing this just for myself and friends who'd like to join, so public registrations are closed and you need an invite to join.
The registration process is quite easy, your generated invite link will take you to the basic steps of choosing a client - there are many for each platform, Windows, Linux, Web, Android, iOS and MacOS - and sign-up, or just let you sign-up if you already have a preferred client.

A Web Client is hosted locally on the server:

The XMPP compliance test is not always right and sometimes reports broken MAM and vCard modules, while they're pretty fine.

XMPP Gateways

Mumble Voice Chat Server

Connect to "voice.woodpeckersnest.space" on default port. This is an Italian server, accepted languages are Italian and English. Bitrate is set to 128Kbit/s. We also have a music bot which you can listen to in the "chill" channel - needs a recent client.

Direct connection to the lobby room

MetaSearch Engine (SearxNG)

SearXNG is a free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from various search services and databases. Users are neither tracked nor profiled.


Cal/Card-DAV Server (Radicale)

A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server.
Each user gets their own calendar(s)/address book(s) and can manage them via the web interface at:


And then it's just a matter of finding a suitable mail/calendar app which supports cal/card DAV and import/sync your stuff. Thunderbird has native support and our webmail supports CardDAV address books via a plugin: blog post

WebDAV Server (nginx)

A private WebDAV directory for each system user, secured by PAM Authentication (where media can be uploaded) and a respective public space for third party shared, "anonymous", read/only access.
Works fine in Windows with "WinSCP" and in Thunderbird with the FileLink WebDAV Extension. Not tested elsewere but should be fairly compatible.

You can acces it at:

by entering your given username and password.
The public space for each user is located at "woodpeckersnest.space/~username/". Since "file indexing" is off, no one can see the content of your space, unless they know the direct URL to some file, because you shared it on purpose.

Schleuder Mailing List

Hosted on this server there is also an Encrypted Mailing List powered by Schleuder.
The list ("decentralize [at] woodpeckersnest [dot] eu") is about decentralized networks (Matrix, XMPP, the Fediverse etc..) but it's also a place for friends who want to join.. It's mostly for Italian people, but we can speak English too. About joining, here is how to:

  1. Send any unencrypted message to "decentralize-sendkey [at] woodpeckersnest [dot] eu". The system will reply you with a message containg the key to be used in the next step.
  2. With the key you got before, send an encrypted message to "decentralize-owner [at] woodpeckersnest [dot] eu". That's the list's admin account. You must paste your public PGP Key in the body of the message or - preferred - attach it as a file to the mail, so that I can add you to the list as a member. Maybe explain why you want to join if we don't know each other.
  3. Wait for a welcome message posted on the list itself.
  4. Enjoy the mailing list, you can now write to "decentralize [at] woodpeckersnest [dot] eu"

Delta Chat Mailing List

We also got an unofficial ML for Italian Delta Chat users, reachable at the following address: "dc-space [at] woodpeckersnest [dot] eu". You can subscribe to the list by sending an email to: "dc-space+subscribe [at] woodpeckersnest [dot] eu" and by following instructions.

L'AltroWiki (Archive)

L'AltroWiki was an "ikiwiki" installed on a PIII running Debian lenny, long time ago when me and some friends were online on "irc.syrolnet.org", the official ircd for Italian slackware community. Now only the public html part of the wiki is left and it's hosted here just as a nice memory of the past. Content is mixed Italian and English languages.


Standalone BoTs

I'm also running some standalone bots: IRC/XMPP/Steam/Mumble


Also hosted on this server are the following services for the "xmpp-it.net" community:

Contact Me

Lets get in touch. Send me a message!